to Keep and Bear Arms - IT'S YOUR RIGHT; IT'S YOUR DUTY! |
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to
the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms
shall not be infringed. Second Amendment,
U.S. Constitution
The Second Amendment (your Individual Right to Keep and
Bear Arms) is about controlling the Business End of Government. It's about
"We the People" keeping the servant ( government), under our
The 2nd
Amendment confirms (guarantees) the God given right of free men and women to defend with deadly force
(as a last resort) against government tyranny and oppression. It is YOU having the force of arms to
so defend. Get over "fuzzy labels" and worthless trivia about
"sporting purposes", games, and your "right" to hunt.
More serious issues are at stake. "Gun control" is about disarming law abiding
citizens. It deals with deadly force by government, and directly impacts
freedom, life, and death. Think about it. There is only one guarantee if you are
disarmed - the Government, military, and criminals
will have weapons and guns. They will be the exclusive holders of
"force". As such, they will control you (they will OWN you and
your family). With force, at their whim, they will decide what is to be
"done" with you. Thus, for any honest discussion of
"gun control", history and the images of government tyranny
and oppression MUST be brought into strong focus. Yet, today,
"politically correct discussion" ignores that critical topic - "The
Deadly Force of Governments". Some "gun rights" groups
intentionally stay away from the topic saying - we don't want to
"alienate" or "turn people off", or say - "we don't
want to sound extreme". With all due respect, gun confiscation
sparked the American Revolution. People died. Today, we witness governments
murdering civilians all around the globe (for power, greed, wealth etc...). The
pictures of reality are before us. It's time to take off the rose colored
glasses. It's time to start being honest in the American Gun Control
Debate. The cost of ignoring reality and
history WILL be deadly. In the last century about 170
MILLION people were murdered by their own governments. The
question is: do you want a repeat? The fact is that the Business End of Tyrannical and
Oppressive Government hasn't changed - Governments still enslave, confiscate,
steal, over tax, kill, rape, torture and mutilate. The only difference is
that this time, you and your family will be tomorrows history lesson.
So, when politicians say they are doing it "for the
children" - look behind what they actually do, and what they have done:
Vs. Second Amendment: Self Defense is Your Right, Your Duty. Click and
Enter - caution graphic images.
"Government is not reason;
it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant
and a fearful master".
George Washington. |
& Licensing Flash Presentation
by Wes Bradley
(488K, Requires Flash
"Rights" Group afraid to mention the words "submachine
guns". "America's 1st Freedom" is qualified - Only
"politically acceptable" counts.

Criminals vs. Second
Amendment: Self Defense is Your Right,
Your Duty. Enter - caution graphic images
The Second Amendment:


As a last resort, if Americans must say NO. Get active
and Vote, so we aren't forced to defend with the 2nd Amendment. |
Get U.S. Out of the United Nations |