The Weapons of the American Citizenry  (the Militia) are "necessary to the security of a free state".

 Any attempt to repeal the 2nd Amendment is null and void.  Any attempt to disarm / confiscate the weapons of the American Citizenry is an Act of War. 

  April 19, 1775



   America is founded upon the belief in God.  Our rights derive from God, not governments.

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 2nd AMEND - what it is about

April 19, 1775

Resource / Reference Material



TeaPartyAmericanWayNEW.jpg (183808 bytes)


Prayer to St. Jude

Patriotic Songs - We are PROUD TO BE AMERICANS

The 10 Orders American Citizens Will NOT Obey

American Revolution Flags

Reflections Watch it and take a stand

View:   "2AToday for The USA"

Remember D-Day


View: "No Guns for Negroes" (racist history of American gun control laws)

View: "No Guns for Jews"

Gun Control is life insurance for those Government Officials scheming to steal the rest of your Bill of Rights.

Know Your Enemy

The Islamic / Sharia Threat! 

islamicthreat.jpg (224251 bytes)

bootpin.jpg (11467 bytes)



The Gang


-Theodore Roosevelt on Immigrants and being an American

-Illegal Aliens:  Invasion; National Security Threat; threat to the American Bill of Rights Culture 


-Churchill on Islam (1899)

gdhs_1883_2930191.jpg (9347 bytes)

-Nazi Repression and Gun Control
-Lethal  Laws

-Nanjing Massacre

-The Battle of Athens, Tennessee 
-She Shot the Nazi Officer ... and saved the children. - what would you do?
-Order to Seize American's Guns - Patriot's Day, April 19th


-Now is the time for Americans to Defend America

-RKBA Senate Report 1982

-American Holocaust




Slavery Reparations Must begin NOW

It is said that slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865 and that some four million slaves were released from bondage. However, slavery in America has NOT ended. It continues every day.  This cancerous slavery has in fact been institutionalized by our very own United States Government as well as among Americans. Thus, WE the people of the United States are guilty, having allowed this slavery to grow. It has been  perpetuated by creating greed and envy among classes of people. It has grown into a class warfare system destroying the fabric of America. We Americans are part of this disease and reparation must begin now. 

We owe a duty to future generations to take a stand. We must demand that slavery reparations begin. And --- The flow of MONEY must begin now. You ask how? Americans must demand that the income tax and social security tax systems be repealed!  The system has conditioned Americans to be pavlovian dogs in an ever ending quest to target other Americans through tax laws. You are conditioned to robotically respond with cries to protect the "sacred cow" of social security.  The present  tax system is about using your money, as instruments of social policy, manipulation, and class warfare.  

Politicians seek to appease WE the American Slaves with words of  "tax cuts", but counter cries for relief with words generating class warfare among Americans. Thus, calls for tax cuts are manipulated into attacks against fellow Americans by changing the need for relief into a sword against other Americans -  the "rich" are  getting too many "benefits".  In the end, the government sponsored redistribution of the wealth scheme continues. The use of YOUR money as a tool of implementing social policy and manipulation continues.

Think only the "rich" get hit hard? Be self employed and pay 15.3% self employment tax, plus income taxes, plus gas taxes, state taxes, sales taxes, and more.  When politicians talk about "tax cuts", they ignore the "other" tax rape - the self employment tax.  Americans have been conditioned to view their hard earned money as not even being theirs. Americans think that when they get a "tax refund" that the government has "given" them something.  It can truly be said that  American Slaves have been trained well in their "mind think".  Wake up! It's YOUR money, and your Master has had interest free use of it.  But watch out, the Master has chains and whips if you stray. If you owe taxes to the Master, the IRS has imposed mandates on how much you are "allowed" to spend for housing your family, for food and shelter for your family, as well as vehicle, travel,  medical, and other necessities of living. The Master has determined "allowable standards" for EVERY aspect of your very existence.  All of your assets and all of your income are subject to the Masters standards. For that each dollar you spend on paying your utility bills, as a self employed you have to generate at least $1.30 of cash to cover the utility bill and taxes owing your Master. A system designed to keep you enslaved.  If you want to see real fear, look into the eyes and listen to the voice of a "law abiding" American Slave who owes taxes to the Master.  

Well fellow Slaves, what do we do? Tax protestors are rising up and refusing to pay taxes. They are refusing to file returns. Some employers are even refusing to withhold employment taxes. Are such actions a solution?  NO! In fact such are invitations to a living hell on earth. These people will be targeted by the Master.  They will be  sought out. They will be destroyed. They will be individually "taken out".  The IRS is many times slow in responding, but rest assured, the IRS will start making examples of these unruly Slaves. Some stories will hit the headlines, others will merely disappear from public memory. But these Slaves will meet the  real world of  fellow victims of this Slave trade. They will be subjected to potential criminal sanctions, levy and seizure by the IRS and enter the realm of a hell where prior targets have committed suicide, had their families destroyed, their lives diminished to a level of abject poverty, and lives ruined. They will awaken in the morning drenched in a cold sweat, and feel like vomiting in the toilet. They will fear IRS attack These Slaves delude themselves into thinking  that other American Slaves  will come to their aid. The reality is that talk is cheap. Americans have become "fat and lazy" and when these people are targeted, their one time "supporters" will disappear into the woodwork and whisper - "well, we all need to pay our fair share".  Take comfort my friend, such words may have been whispered at a time not so long ago when neighbors were taken from their homes in the still of the night as they were marched to Nazi death camps. Think it can't happen to you? Think again. Many Americans last year exercised stock options. Large tax liabilities arose, but the market lost ground. Value - here today, gone tomorrow. But the story isn't over. These people are left without equity or funds to pay the large income tax liability. They now owe the Master, and can't pay.  The buzz words of  paying "your fair share" sound somewhat hollow when faced with loosing everything. Until the noose is around your neck, and you feel it tighten, the reality is that you don't really give a damn about the one around your neighbors. You might even take pride (in some perverted way)  and brag about how much you had to pay your Master. But then you were "able" - this time. Paying "Your fair share" sounds great until you don't have enough to pay the utilities as the IRS threatens seizure and garnishment. See, it extends  far beyond a politicians kissing your baby for the evening news shot, while his greedy grip seizes the family bank account. It perpetuates a disease that is eating at the very foundations of what made America great. It's devouring our individual American  liberty and freedom. It's sucking the life blood out of free enterprise and it is turning Americans against each other. The beneficiaries are the greedy politicians who reap the cash rewards .

These "tax cut" proposals and tax protestor movements are not solutions. They don't fix what is wrong. Americans must demand through LEGISLATION AND CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT the complete elimination of this destructive system of taxation which promotes class warfare, and which allows the U.S. Government (as Master)  to target every single American  who works to provide for his or her family. 

In America,  God and family come first. In America, it's time that the Government be returned to its proper place - as servant.

Yours in Liberty,

Save Our Guns

 -     IRS AGENT to taxpayer under audit:

 "Hey you Jew bastard piece of s---. This is White Trash. I am going to get you."



Children subjected to Government Medical experiments - Auschwitz.



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