The Weapons of the American Citizenry  (the Militia) are "necessary to the security of a free state".

 Any attempt to repeal the 2nd Amendment is null and void.  Any attempt to disarm / confiscate the weapons of the American Citizenry is an Act of War. 

  April 19, 1775



   America is founded upon the belief in God.  Our rights derive from God, not governments.

  ShastaDefense Blog  (CCW Training)      Tax Problems Blog


ShastaDefense Blog

Free Posters

Posters: Pg2  Pg3
Wallpapers - pg 2


 2nd AMEND - what it is about

April 19, 1775

Resource / Reference Material



TeaPartyAmericanWayNEW.jpg (183808 bytes)


Prayer to St. Jude

Patriotic Songs - We are PROUD TO BE AMERICANS

The 10 Orders American Citizens Will NOT Obey

American Revolution Flags

Reflections Watch it and take a stand

View:   "2AToday for The USA"

Remember D-Day


View: "No Guns for Negroes" (racist history of American gun control laws)

View: "No Guns for Jews"

Gun Control is life insurance for those Government Officials scheming to steal the rest of your Bill of Rights.

Know Your Enemy

The Islamic / Sharia Threat! 

islamicthreat.jpg (224251 bytes)

bootpin.jpg (11467 bytes)



The Gang


-Theodore Roosevelt on Immigrants and being an American

-Illegal Aliens:  Invasion; National Security Threat; threat to the American Bill of Rights Culture 


-Churchill on Islam (1899)

gdhs_1883_2930191.jpg (9347 bytes)

-Nazi Repression and Gun Control
-Lethal  Laws

-Nanjing Massacre

-The Battle of Athens, Tennessee 
-She Shot the Nazi Officer ... and saved the children. - what would you do?
-Order to Seize American's Guns - Patriot's Day, April 19th


-Now is the time for Americans to Defend America

-RKBA Senate Report 1982

-American Holocaust







April 22, 2000
Copyright 2000 by
Republish anywhere with the following statement
above the reprinted content:
"Reprinted from the Report
available at"

Weekend Edition -- Seeya on Monday Morning!
Gotta get our site loaded and sighted in. :-)

This report is longer than usual, so we put information
about our new .com site underneath the news/shots so
people here for a quick scan can get what they need
and go on about their day.  We aim to please.  The KABA
stuff is below today's snippets and spankings.

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility
of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom,
go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your
arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your
chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that
ye were our countrymen."  -- Samuel Adams

Or get in the game and HELP US WIN !

In this report...

**  clinton "Blood Agenda" Quote

**  The REAL Victim of Gun Violence

**  A Bit of Helpful History (Great Biblical Ammo)

**  The Anti-Self-Defense League

**  Levi's Contact by Request

**  Cops Put on Leave for Killing Someone About to Kill Them

**  Humor with a Purpose:  Minority Mike -- Letter to Bill

**  Holy Moses, what an imagination!

**  Parting Shot


**  Closing Down the Compromise Brigade

**  Identifying the Good (And Bad) Guys Everywhere

**  Request for Input -- Email Report Format

**  Calling All KABA Graphic Artists

**  Automailers Update

Letter to the Editor

**  Take Heart.  Please Tap Your Power, and TAKE HEART


clinton "Blood Agenda" Quote

He said, "our cause has been aided by the deaths of all
these children in all these schools, and in other settings.
And I think we should pay tribute to them."

Last paragraph of the story at that link.

Tell me Clinton doesn't have blood on his hands, like Wayne La
Pierre said.   ~~ Nancy M. Siebern


We'd be lying to say that.  clinton LOVES using the
occasional but unfortunate incidents of violence
against children so he can use the "13 kids a day"
LIE again.  Thanks for passing that one on.

The title of the article at that link is fascinating:
"President says he's pushing gun safety, not control"

Uh huh.  500 more BATF agents and Gazillions of taypayer
dollars for their deployment is for safety.  (Our cartoonist
is going to have fun with that one.)

clinton's media machine in the misguided
now presents the "president" as a gun owner and hunter.

From the "report":

"Just weeks after he signed the landmark Brady Bill in 1993,
Clinton went duck hunting along Maryland's Eastern Shore to
help underscore just that notion."

So you also have duck blood on your hands for your agenda,
clinton.  Millions of Americans who respect wildlife and
hunt as a heritage are not impressed with your political

Maybe you Should inhale, Bubba.  Something needs to click
in that mind of yours to get you to stop.  Thus...

We have a BIG surprise for you in a few days, clinton.  KABA
is going to RIDE YOU LIKE A PONY with a daily campaign that
will show you just how many gun owners find you utterly
inhuman in your bid to disarm the lawful citizens of a
country too good for you.  Every day up until the day you
bless the Oval Office by exiting is going to Sting.

T-minus 10 days...


The REAL Victim of Gun Violence

On display is Freedom Arms.  This company is one of many
being sued by People Without Reason or Logic. (and many
who know EXACTLY what they are doing)

The following facts are gasoline on the Flame of Freedom:

Freedom Arms' guns range from $1500 to $6000 and are thus
NEVER the gun of choice for criminals.  I'd be SHOCKED if
even a single gun of his/theirs has turned up in a crime.

Mr. Bob Baker has had to invest $200,000 thus far in legal fees
defending himself against TYRANTS.  (Yes, even the anti-
self-defense, rapist enablers who truly believe they are
doing the right thing are tyrants; they are using force to
affect their desired result.)

He has had to lay off 12 of 35 employees.

And he's refusing to sign a S&W-style agreement because he
knows the whole thing is about FREEDOM.

We have initiated contact and have a way to get Mr. Baker and
Freedom Arms some money while furthering our KABA, as well.

We would also like contact with EACH gun manufacturer to
share a PLAN, but every second is going into KABA's site
right now to meet our launch date.

Leaders on This List:  if you have access to anyone in a position
of Decision-making Power at ANY of the gun manufacturers being
sued, PLEASE make contact.  Have them send an email called


A Bit of Helpful History (Great Biblical Ammo)

This illustration will be useful--at least to those
for whom citing the Bible carries some weight.

In the Old Testament, in I Samuel, prior to the Goliath
incident, you will find something interesting about how
the Philistines maintained their temporary dominance over
Israel. When they had the upper hand, the Philistines
tried to make rebellion impossible--by not only forbidding
the Israelites to own swords, but even keeping close control
over the business of metalworking, so that the Israelites
could not MAKE swords.

Which reminds me: when well-meaning pacifists quote "Thou
shalt not kill," the answer to that is NOT to say that the
Bible is vague and ambiguous; instead, the answer is in the
very fact that the Bible is CLEAR on vital issues. I refer
here to the fact that the Hebrew language of the Old Testament
has SEVEN different verbs for killing; and the verb used in
that commandment is "ratsakh," a verb which is NEVER used for
any other kind of killing other than criminal murder or private
blood-revenge. Thus, self-defense and the slaying of enemies
in a just war are NOT banned by that commandment.

Joseph Ravitts


And the taking up of arms is also a right possessed by We
The People.


Levi's Contact by Requests

One of the many good doctors who will shortly be collaborating
to Right the Constitution Infractions being pushed through the
anti-self-defense AMA (American Mao-Tse-Tung Association) asked
for a post of info on contacting Levi Strauss.  There is much
around the web further verifying their anti-self-defense,
criminalize-the-lawful-good-guys stance.  Here is an old post
from way back.  Other sites have covered this better, but this
one was handy:

But I urge you to put your time elsewhere unless you want the
same form letter 9,721 of us received when we tried to save
these people from meeting the fate that Smith & Wesson WILL
meet.  The BOYCOTT of Levi's is where it's at.  Sending
each little Levi's tag from each pair of Levi's to corporate
with a simple statement about how you derrihre (that's Hiney
where I come from) is just too good for them any more, and you
just can't imagine Americans thinking you support their company..
it's too disgraceful.  (Put your thinking caps on about how
we are going to break the financial backs of ALL who oppose
American Freedom.  Each one singled out, one by one, and
crushed in the pocketbook like an ant.)  Our Forums will be
directed to this task, and we need a Bunch of Leaders really

You can read about how "anti-racist" they are here:

And send them this:

Soon, we'll get down to business and each take the same simple,
quick action step every day, vote on the next action step to
take through lively discussions in forums and polls the anti's
can't get to, and make sure each move COUNTS.

Anti's can't get to?  Wait a few more days...


Cops Put on Leave for Killing Someone About to Kill Them

Eyewitnesses claim the cops deserve commendation--that they
gave him plenty of chances and warning.

Anchorage law takes them out of commission during investigation.

Though such events are truly unfortunate, there is one piece
of the story that caught my eye.  The gun the man pointed at
the police officers was a Smith & Wesson.  (Hmmmm...cartoonist!)


Humor with a Purpose:  Minority Mike -- Letter to Bill

Letter To Bill
By Minority Mike

Dear President Lyin-Sack,

Im writin to let you know I give up. Id like to fight you
to my dyin breath but Ive got my ol woman an three kids
to think about an they want me to surrender an do things
your way for the good of the family. I dont agree with em,
but they mean too much to me to have you sendin the ATF
around to get my mind right, so I give up. Heres some things
Ive done and will do so you wont have to bother with bombin
an shootin me til I agree with ya.

Ive decided to be black like you. From now on my name will be
MinoXrity MiXke-X. The X is silent and thus oppressed. Please
get the check in the mail ASAP.

Ill get rid of all my legally bought guns this Friday night
down at the local crack neighborhood so the children will be safe.
Kindly inform all the criminals you are so intimately associated
with that I am now unarmed an defenseless, just the way they want
me to be.

I swear to never voice another original thought, nor will I ever
disagree with you or Hillary.

Margaret an I have got the kids out scroungin aluminum cans for
you to make into bombs to drop on whoever will be the next smokescreen
for your next illegal, but for the good of America, act.

Tell Al Ive removed our environment threatenin toilet an were all
squattin over the hole in the floor like good Americans. Also, please
let him know weve quit drivin an my pick-up is now a PETA approved
sanctuary for spotted suck-toads.

Tell the Animal Liberation Front that Ive liberated all my stock,
which are now runnin loose on the highway, free to be run over by the
next big rig driver with enough money to buy a tank of fuel.

Be sure an let Al Sharpton know I stashed a few chickens for him to
cut up at his next service.

Tell Janet I wont be writin on the Internet anymore since we cant
pay the electric bill cause I gave my job to another minority member
who Ive been suppressin in a mean-spirited manner.

Tell the NEA theyve done a fine job of makin my kids too dumb to read
a stop sign.

Tell the other NEA my little Lorrie is sendin them all her crayons to
give to other, more worthy aspirin artists.

Tell Hillary Ive had my doo-dads removed so I can be a man, just like you.
Please let her know were sendin her all the gold fillins out of our teeth
so she can be the next dictator of New York.

Be assured weve stopped readin -- which the kids cant do anyway -- an
are now spendin most of our time down at The Last Ditch Attempt Saloon
(Guns Confiscated, Bait For Dinner) watchin the "must see" TV. Well be
havin mush for brains quicker than you can say "indoctrination."

Please call the U.N. an let em know weve strung barbed wire all over the
yard so they can herd us into it for easy target practice while theyre
keepin the peace.

Call your pals, the communist Chinese, an let em know Im available for
bribin. They may be interested in my recipe for thermonuclear sour mash.

Weve invested in havin sequential numbers tattooed on all our arms in the
hope we can stay together when you have us all rounded up an imprisoned for
our own good.

Weve burned our family Bible since we know it interferes with your version
of Gods plan.

Margaret gave her blender an her vacuum cleaner to the local abortion
clinic for the children.

Weve applied for Welfare so you can keep us in our place.

We now look to Hollywood for all of our opinions on what is right and
proper. That Leonardo DiCaprio is a WEALTH of information, by the way.

The whole family is collectin stones to throw at Bill Gates an anyone
else who dares to be successful or improve the quality of the lives of

My sons are joinin the Army so you can demoralize em before you send em
to be slaughtered or abandoned in the third-world suckhole of your choosin.

Lorrie is packed an waitin to get on the back of the next bus to
Hillarys village.

My mother an my in-laws have agreed to commit suicide, so dont worry any
more about their health care or Social Security or anything.

Margaret an I are sittin on the front porch waitin for you to come haul
us off to your gulag.

Best Wishes for a carefree Totalitarian State

MinoXrity MiXke


A belated April Fools Day to ya!

Minority Mike aka Michael J. Bates can be reached at  His wife, Margaret, helps
him with the big words in the letters you write him.


Holy Moses, what an imagination!

1)  This is HILARIOUS.

2)  It's a great way to use humor to take our position.

3)  Though it is written as a slam of Charleton Heston,
what we can learn from writing such pieces will take
us far.  (I suspect Minority Mike and Michael Z. Williamson
combined would do the trick.  Mix in a little L. Neil Smith
and sprinkle it with Patricia Neill, and we will BUY it into
the media.  Did you know you can do that?)


The Anti-Self-Defense League


I have been nudging here and there the description
of gun grabbers with the phrase, the "anti-defense-league"
as 8mmMauser on Freerepublic, and nudging freepers to change
their vocabularies to what you are talking about.

Warm regards and God bless your hard work.


KABA Creative People and Web Masters,

Write an article called "The Anti-Self-Defense League" showing
exactly WHY Jim's assertion is correct.  We will publish it
on a Maserati web site that is going to blow your socks off
in a few days.

Create a mock web site for the The Anti-Self-Defense League
showing how misguided the anti-self-defense position is.
We will publish and promote it.




Smith & Wesson Tea Party, and You Are Invited

We are exploring other ways to use this wonderful
concept to send clear and powerful messages to
each anti-freedom legistraitor in America.  Stay
tuned for MORE on this one!


Parting Shot #2

Project Exile in Action




Closing Down the Compromise Brigade

The days of compromising gun freedoms are coming to an
abrupt end.  Shortly, there will be a clear and thorough
gap.  Already is, only it needs to get much more clearly
identified in order to CEASE ALL COMPROMISE.

People who believe it is right to compromise RIGHTS
might want to unsubscribe over the next few days.  Or
just stay open to a discussion called THERE IS NO

Please pardon the yelling.  Hope I didn't bust
your e-ears.


Identifying the Good (And Bad) Guys Everywhere

One of the wonderful features of our new site is the
ease and manageability of our link system.  We can
create categories and subcategories galore in a database,
and they sort themselves instantly.

One of the ways we all get to use this database is so
exciting I can barely contain myself.

We are going to offer links to all pro freedom doctors,
lawyers, accountants, plumbers, carpenters, electricians,
graphics freelancers, hair-stylists, dog groomers,
yard maintenance people, YOU NAME IT.

My MANTRA when I do business now is quite clear: Do
you stand for the full and complete support of the
individual right to Keep And Bear Arms as clearly
acknowledged by the Second Amendment of the United
States Constitution?  Anything other than a resounding
YES meets a few choice questions from me.

A gore-like NO?  I'm out da do'.

Roundup time.  We are going to identify all the big boys
first, the Levi's of the world, and DRAIN THEM by making
intelligent group choices on who we fund with our business.


Calling All KABA Graphic Artists

If you are skilled in creating original graphic art and/or
touching up a work-in-progress and would like to put your
skills to use for Freedom, please email a message called

We've got a couple of fun projects to turn you loose on.


Request for Input -- Email Report Format

Our goal is to provide the best possible service to
our community of American Gun Owners.  Shortly, we
will provide an online Feedback System that will
enable us to receive tons of feedback in a systematic
way that is manageable.

Been meaning to get our 30 or so separate email addresses
in place for days, just busy laying plans.

For now, KABA needs feedback on how to best present
the FORMAT of our email reports.

The best way to do this is to SHOW US.  If you would
like to contribute to an upgrade in how this Report
is presented, please reformat this message and send
it to and call the

Please do not send lengthy descriptions of what you
would like to see.  Reading 784 emails on that topic
at this juncture would not be a prudent use of time
until our Feedback System is in place.

Looking forward to SEEING new possibilities, and Thanks.


Automailers Update

In keeping with our commitment to have auto-emailers for
each state legislature, we asked for help getting the
names, email addresses, and districts of each state rep/sen
sent into us.  For the 100 new folks with us today, here is
what a working state auto emailer looks like:

Thank you to the following, for the following state
legislator/traitor information:
C.D. Tavares, MA
Anna, CA
Darrly Black, UT
James R Whitley, PA

The rest that came in were web sites or single email
addresses.  We KNOW where the info is, it's the
culling of the info that is needed.  In 60 days,
KABA will have the money to hire people, but
right now it's Debt City and Helpful People.

Head start:

Use This Format:
(Sen. or Rep.) Legislator's Name
Email Address

Send to with a subject of
KABA MAILERS (state here)


Letter to the Editor


Take Heart.  Please Tap Your Power, and TAKE HEART


I downloaded the NRA website and watched the video files
they have on South Africa and Australia. These countries have
dis-armed their citizens and are now paying the price.  All of
the violent crime stats have increased since the government
dis-armed the civilian population. Especially the one on home
invasions. The politicians in Australia can't even agree on what
a home invasion is, much less stop it. Police morale is at it's
lowest, since they are now being ambushed and killed for their
weapons. What a mess. The one thing that everyone agreed on is
that the government promised a safer society and what they got
is a society where they are prisoners in their own homes. They
just hope that someone with a gun doesn't show up to rob them,
because they no longer have the ability to protect themselves.
But most important......Once you give up your freedom, you will
never get it back!  Very depressing.  Thordog


There is really NOTHING to get depressed about, my friend.  The
entire gun rights TEAM that we (All American Gun Owners) are about
to get handed access to the new Freedom Battlefield at  People who have seen the site
are emailing us credit card numbers, because they KNOW that what
has LONG been needed in the Proud American Gun Community is a
system that Unifies US....and that System is so close to being
ready I'm in AGONY over here, hungering to get all the rest of
the pieces in place.

The Aussies and Brits and South Africa citizens handed their guns
in.  That is what happened.  So what.  Getting all bummed out about
that is NOT going to get us to where we ARE going.  WE are Taking
America BACK.

What we are about to do in conjunction with at least one gun
manufacturer and probably two or three is going to be like taking
al gore and bill clinton over our collective knee and Spanking them
for being bad, bad boys.  It is going to sting.  It is going to
raise a FUSS.  We need to figure out the best way to collectively
work as ONE VOICE, and I suspect the parting shot earlier in this
message is a great step in the right direction.  Much MORE is
needed to win, and our .com site is going to help tremendously
to bring Leaders out of all of us into the One Arena for Freedom.
None of us know "exactly" "how" we are going to win, BUT, none
of us has given up or we wouldn't have even subscribed to this
list now, would we?  Nope.  Deep down inside, every single one of
us either KNOWS we are going to win or at least HOPES we are
going to win.  Gimme 10 days, my friend.  THEN you
write back and tell me not IF we are going to win, but how YOU
can pitch in to make it happen faster.

I love you, ThorDog.  For caring.  For being an AMERICAN.  I
don't buy that Separation Nonsense being fermented by dimwits
who have trained us all to believe we have to know each other
for umpteen years before we can tap the most infinite and
powerful force in the Universe -- LOVE.  You hurt because
you care.  You care because you stand for LIFE, and gun
control carried to its extreme means a lot of lives would
be lost.  You stand for LIFE because you are GOOD.  Good is
attracted to Good like a bee to honey, and therefore I love
all that depression out of every cell in your American Body
so you can stand up, put on your working boots and get busy.

It's after 5:30am, and my computer screen is starting to
wobble on me again because I pulled another all nighter.
I was going to nod off and maybe get your message into
tomorrow's report or just to you, personally, but this
was too important--because you are not alone, Thordog. 
Many, many Americans have given up.  Resignation and
cynicism has crept into many people, and understandably
so with all that we now FACE.

But dem days is NUMBUH'd.

If you think I'm a raving lunatic for KNOWING CLEARLY
that we have ALREADY WON the full upholding of the
United States Constitution, stick around.

KABA, Fully Realized, WILL achieve Firearms Freedom
Victory in America.

But we need you, ThorDog.  You and every last one of your
wonderful, beautiful, Freedom-Loving friends and allies.

Angel Shamaya
Director, Chief Editor

H. S. "Gunnie" Reagan, Ph.D., D.D.
Web Site Inspiration

We'd love to reach your friends as much as they'd love
to find us, so pass this message along as a service.

Subscribe or unsubscribe at our web site.

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility
of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom,
go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your
arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your
chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that
ye were our countrymen. -- Samuel Adams

At least 83,000,000 lawful American gun owners behaved peacefully
today. How much longer this phenomenon will last is now in question.




Children subjected to Government Medical experiments - Auschwitz.





 Please e-mail your comments or questions to: