The Weapons of the American Citizenry  (the Militia) are "necessary to the security of a free state".

 Any attempt to repeal the 2nd Amendment is null and void.  Any attempt to disarm / confiscate the weapons of the American Citizenry is an Act of War. 

  April 19, 1775



   America is founded upon the belief in God.  Our rights derive from God, not governments.

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 2nd AMEND - what it is about

April 19, 1775

Resource / Reference Material



TeaPartyAmericanWayNEW.jpg (183808 bytes)


Prayer to St. Jude

Patriotic Songs - We are PROUD TO BE AMERICANS

The 10 Orders American Citizens Will NOT Obey

American Revolution Flags

Reflections Watch it and take a stand

View:   "2AToday for The USA"

Remember D-Day


View: "No Guns for Negroes" (racist history of American gun control laws)

View: "No Guns for Jews"

Gun Control is life insurance for those Government Officials scheming to steal the rest of your Bill of Rights.

Know Your Enemy

The Islamic / Sharia Threat! 

islamicthreat.jpg (224251 bytes)

bootpin.jpg (11467 bytes)



The Gang


-Theodore Roosevelt on Immigrants and being an American

-Illegal Aliens:  Invasion; National Security Threat; threat to the American Bill of Rights Culture 


-Churchill on Islam (1899)

gdhs_1883_2930191.jpg (9347 bytes)

-Nazi Repression and Gun Control
-Lethal  Laws

-Nanjing Massacre

-The Battle of Athens, Tennessee 
-She Shot the Nazi Officer ... and saved the children. - what would you do?
-Order to Seize American's Guns - Patriot's Day, April 19th


-Now is the time for Americans to Defend America

-RKBA Senate Report 1982

-American Holocaust







April 21, 2000
Copyright 2000 by
Republish anywhere with the following statement
above the reprinted content:
"Reprinted from the Report
available at"
5 Minute Read (of text below)
Mileage may vary if you follow the links.

If someone could eat, sleep, bathe, and handle the
rest of life's nuisances for me, I would work 24
hours a day and seven days a week to Take America

In this report...


**  Gun issue may prove to be a dud for Gore <choice snips>

**  Gun Control Not Solution to Ending Youth Violence, Poll Shows

**  Student stabs five at Canadian high school

**  Levi Strauss Exhibits More Self-sabotaging Stupidity

**  Poll: Most Americans Want Trigger Locks (Disproven)

**  More on Brit Farmer Imprisoned for Killing Intruder

**  Pre-Confiscation Laws -- Let's Be Clear

**  KABA Lawyers Group, KABA Teachers Group, More

**  Auto Emailers for Each State Legislature (Request)

**  About Yesterday's Report (Self-correction)

**  Parting Shot


Wanna see a picture on a prominent web site of Pro-self-defense
activists protesting outside President Clinton's speech
on gun control in Denver last week?  Wanna read about CNN
running a poll twice and losing to gun owners both times?

If you are going to click off to only one link from this report,
and if you haven't yet read this, here is your Good News for


Gun issue may prove to be a dud for Gore  <choice snips>

"As opinion polls show support for more gun laws slipping,
Gore and Democratic congressional candidates are beginning
to speak of gun "safety" rather than gun "control."

"There are also signs that Gore's potential for political
gain on the gun issue is limited."

"Gore's history on gun control issues is one of twists and
turns. While representing Tennessee in Congress, he voted
with the NRA on some key measures."

"He voted for cutting the budget of the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms, and favored a Firearms Owners' Protection
Act, which relaxed some restrictions on gun and ammunition sales.
He also voted against putting serial numbers on guns and against
a 14-day waiting period for handgun purchases."

Politicians go with the crowd and after the money; Americans
stick to the truth.  All you American Policians on this list,
thank you.


Gun Control Not Solution to Ending Youth Violence, Poll Shows

"When asked which would have a greater impact on reducing
school violence, 77 percent chose teaching children about
right and wrong and respect for human life. Only 10 percent
said more gun control laws are needed."


Student stabs five at Canadian high school

Gonna hafta have some knife control up North, of course.
No more scissors, pencils, or razors available to the
population.  Baseball is going to have to stop, as well,
because of the potential damage a good homerun swing at
someone's head could do.

KABA stands in support of the many tens of thousands of
Canadian Gun Owners refusing to submit to the government's
registration laws.  In fact, we encourage refusal to register
across the board everywhere, always.  Every registration in
history WITHOUT EXCEPTION has led to confiscation, and that
just doesn't mix well with Freedom.  Never has.


Levi Strauss Exhibits More Self-sabotaging Stupidity


This is a true story about Levi Strauss.  This is to illustrate
how far stupid people go to do the wrong things. 

My wife works for Levi's at their new accounting office here in
Eugene OR. The company is well known for it's stand against guns.

A few weeks ago, the company had a grand opening for their
new building and invited a lot of Big Wheels to the party.  They
also wanted some police to show up to be protective or something
like that, and the police chief was going to be there.

But Levi told the cops that they could not come on the property
with side arms or shot guns in their patrol cars. So there were
no police on the site, and the chief did not show up. 

One of the ladies that works for my wife is married to a police
officer in the department where this happened.  According to her
husband, Levi's was told that police regulations would not allow
them to disarm to come on the property for that Dog And Pony

I don't suppose Levi's dimwits stopped to ponder what could
happen if they called 911 given the fact that the cops were
told they could not set foot on the property unless they
disarmed themselves.

The company has told every employee that they will be fired if
they bring a gun on to the property for any reason.  This
includes people who have "permits" to carry a gun and people who
are headed out from work to go hunting.

Do you believe this?  From one of the oldest companies in
America, that was here to help settle it and build it.  Are we
going to hell down hill fast on a dead end road or what?!  Now is
the time for all of the people to stand up and be counted. 

Keep it up guys.  You're getting the word out to us, and that is

[name withheld to protect his wife's job while we send out
prayers that she gets scooped up by a company of people with
their Reason and Logic still intact]


Poll: Most Americans Want Trigger Locks

The propagandical report linked below tells us 33% of Americans
want stricter gun laws.

How do we know this is a false piece of information?

AMERICANS are lawful gun owners or supporters of lawful
gun owners, most of whom teach their children a healthy
respect for and use of firearms.  AMERICANS know that
if the 23,971 gun laws haven't curbed crime, 1,741 more
won't do it either.  AMERICANS weigh facts, use logic,
and THINK.  Not one AMERICAN voted for more gun laws in
that poll, and therefore their findings are false.

There is an amusing quote from the report worth passing
along.  It is said to have come from a teacher in D.C.
who was out strolling:

"I want new gun laws. There shouldn't be any guns, in my
opinion," the Wilmington, Del., resident said.

Lady, that is a sweet notion and, if guns didn't exist,
we wouldn't all be thinking what a stupid statement
that was, but guns DO exist, are readily available on
the black market, can be had cheaper illegally than
legally, and guns will ALWAYS exist, so get over it.

What you and your kind need to come to terms with is
the fact that your ignorant sound bites are being used
to give criminals the advantage, and for that we
activists have to work harder and longer to save your
ignorant hide from the future your blind folly creates.


Why did England move toward representative government
sooner than other medieval countries?

Because the English peasants had longbows, and were a
lot harder to intimidate!

Joseph Ravitts


More on Brit Farmer Imprisoned for Killing Intruder

There is a discussion board here to speak your piece along
with several more Stories.


Pre-Confiscation Laws -- Let's Be Clear

"Many pro-RKBA people have fallen victim of the word
games used by the anti-rights camp. Specifically, in
calling anti-gun ownership laws "Gun Control" laws.
Lets call them what they are "Pre-Confiscation" Laws.
I'd love to hear the media (I know, it's a pipe dream)
to report "Al Gore urges more pre-confiscation
legislation". That wording might wake some people up
who are asleep on the fence. Gun owners that have
never written to their elected officials just might
break out an envelope if they started hearing



There are so many of us catching on to this game now re:
languaging our success it is only a matter of time
before we have a polished Training Program to arm
activists with such information.  Korwin's Glossary,
Haupt's Secret Weapon, tons of additions to the work
coming in each week....  we are going to win this war
for American Freedom because so many good people like
you have so many good ideas, and we're about to bring
'em all together.

Add these to the heap from John Bischoff:

"It is not a gun 'buyback' because the government never owned

"Nobody was ever killed 'by' a gun, they were killed by
a Criminal WITH a gun."  


"The price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle,
anywhere, at any time, and with utter recklessness."  R.A.H.


KABA Lawyers Group

Looks like it's time to have several more sub-groups,
as well.  A few attorneys made contact asking when/where/who
what/how/NOW for KABA Attorneys.  Send email called KABA
ATTORNEY RIGHT HERE if you are an attorney and would
like more information.  We certainly do need to get
your heads together if we are going to fulfill our mission
of suing the Federal Government and winning.

KABA Teachers Group

Same goes for quite a few teachers asking for help to come
together.  If you are a teacher in any type of school
including college, and if you are interested in collaborating
with like-minded teachers to address school-related issues
aplenty, please email and

Many More Factions Coming

There are at least 18 more groups to form to turn the division
of We The People into UNITY.  Please wait a few days before
sending in your ideas about the type of unification team
in which you'd like to participate so we can focus on
getting .com cocked, locked, and loaded.  The whole goal is
to strategize as teams and set up communications systems
to pool talents, skills, ideas, and resources so we can
effectively and efficiently optimize TIME in our busy lives
and get the most powerful results through UNITY.  This is
happening, let your wheels spin about where you see yourself
creating forward motion, and get some thoughts down in a new
file in your 'puter.  We will set up a discussion forum for
each group as soon as our current hefty demands re: our
project get met.


Auto Emailers for Each State Legislature -- Request

One Email Message -- Each Legislator Gets It

We intend to have all 50 state legislatures set up in auto
emailers on our .com site when we launch.  To do this, we
require assistance from someone in each of the 47 states
for whom we do not yet have this information.  Either that
or we need someone to take the reins for another state not
yet paying attention to what we're doing.

We have an example up which is widely used in Arizona.

We also have Kansas and Colorado information ready to go.

That leaves 47 states to go, and here is what we need and
how we need it.

(Sen. or Rep.) Legislator's Name
Email Address

(Sen. or Rep.) Legislator's Name
Email Address

(Sen. or Rep.) Legislator's Name
Email Address

Like that.  Please provide this information in email format
without all the >>>'s.

Send to with a subject of
KABA MAILERS (state here)


About Yesterday's Report

I have worked as many hours as my body would let me every day
without exception for longer than I care to admit....several
months, without taking a day off.  By choice.  On KABA.

After at least 16 hours yesterday, approaching 3am and wrapping
up the 4-20 Report, I finally stopped to read the piece about
VPC/"Sugarman"--the one where he hinted at the need for all
anti-self-defense freedom thieves to unify on full out gun bans.

His anti-American swill ticked me off severely.  SEVERELY.

And I believe I went too far into name calling in a moment of
venting.  Now don't get me wrong; I do find that person and
his whole posture utterly reprehenisible.  I just don't think
it was very becoming relative to the long term goals of KABA
to stoop like that.  We are most definitely going to paint that
boy's wagon and good.  But not like that.

We are going to win this war by helping people see how WRONG
the entire anti-self-defense stance truly is...and we will do
it with intelligence, wit, and wisely-directed but well-crafted

And if you think I am getting soft by retrospecting publicly,
read our brother Gary's message below, which MADE MY DAY, and
consider this:  if you were offended by my verbal assault on
"Sugarman" yesterday, what I edited OUT of that report would
have knocked you out of that chair you are sitting in right

It just makes more sense tactically to wait to outright thrash
the Hitler Bubbas until we are much better situated nationally,
and then the preferred methodology will be effectively
strategized ahead of time behind the members-only firewall on
our new site to put our heads together a good leveling blow
from time to time.


"I wonder if law enforcement and, for that matter the armed
forces, realize that if guns are confiscated that they will
have to travel in groups of at least four to carry out their
duties?  If all guns are in the hands of the government then
government agents will be the ones killed to provide guns for
criminals.  Mr. Scully, are you listening?"
~~ John Corstorphine, Jr.



One of the standout features of emasculated people like Sugarman
is that they don't have the balls to do themselves what they will
eventually want the police and military to do for them --
physically disarm U.S. civilian gun owners.  They are happy to
put into play scenarios which will cost the lives of many (maybe
thousands) honorable police and military personnel, but they
wouldn't think of suffering any risk themselves.  At the risk of
sounding like a knee-jerk reactionary, my message to the
Sugarmans of the world is, show some cajones you dorks and come,
personally, and try to take my guns.  Get a real life you gutless
dweebs -- and quit your whining.

Gary Marbut, President
Montana Shooting Sports Association


1)  Sounds like you're a shoe-in for the fight we're about to pick
with KABA.  While our site will be devoted to many things including
education, training, guidance, daily 5-Minute Activism steps, and
several other things that are "civil" in nature, we plan to make
the No-Return people such as "Sugarman" and rosie o'bigot hate our
ever-lovin' guts.  They are not open to reason, nor will they be;
they are socialist-driven disgraces to America, and have picked a
fight they cannot and will not win.

2)  You made my day.  If any Montana gun owners have yet to meet
your steely resolve as President of MTSSA, they are missing out. 



A Second Amendment Dog

Scroll to the last dog on the page.

Angel Shamaya
Director, Chief Editor

H. S. "Gunnie" Reagan, Ph.D., D.D.
Web Site Inspiration

We'd love to reach your friends as much as they'd love
to find us, so pass this message along as a service.

Subscribe or unsubscribe at our web site.

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility
of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom,
go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your
arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your
chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that
ye were our countrymen. -- Samuel Adams

At least 83,000,000 lawful American gun owners behaved peacefully
today. How much longer this phenomenon will last is now in question.




Children subjected to Government Medical experiments - Auschwitz.





 Please e-mail your comments or questions to: