The "Elian Standard of Minimal Force" - Where do we go from here? April 25, 2000 Exercise your Constitutional Right to own a gun, and you are automatically subject to the "Elian Standard of Minimal force" (machine gun forced entry into your home). You need not have done anything criminal ... Has the home invasion to seize a six-year old boy changed the gun control debate? Armed with fully automatic machine guns, in a pre-dawn raid, federal agents stormed a Miami home, used tear gas, crashed down the door, laser targeted occupants, and held family members at the machine gun ready. "Gimme the fucking boy or we’ll shoot you". Without Court determination, government elitists determined "child custody", illegally, and at gun point (efficient and done within 3 minutes). Is this excessive force, or just the "new" minimal standard? According to Deputy Attorney General E. Holder, the raid and the weapons were deemed necessary because the government had been told the family might have guns in the house. The only guns were those of the storm troopers. One can argue that the government is being fair. After all, the "new" rules are published and in graphic photo detail. Exercise your Constitutional Right to own a gun, and you are automatically subject to the "Elian Standard of Minimal force" (machine gun forced entry into your home). You need not have done anything criminal. To be so subjected, you need only to have exercised your Constitutional Right to own a gun, or thought to have done so. Of course, the other end of the standard of force continuum is also well known: the Ruby Ridge Standard (sniper shooting of unarmed mother); and the Waco Standard (tanks and death by fire). America has changed. But now, the question is: how will the People respond to their out of control government and the "new" Elian Standard of Minimal Force? Will the People continue to exercise restraint? Or, will they take lessons from their own governments unbridled use of deadly force and lack of restraint? In the future, will jack booted thugs bursting into American homes continue to be met with meek and timid souls who are fearful to make eye contact with their "new masters"? The flaunting abuse of power is pushing Americans to a precipice of decision. Will the government's continued use of Nazi storm trooper tactics merely silence debate and discourse? Or, will a momentary silence in the dead of night be shattered by the responsive gun fire of Americans defending against present day Nazi storm troopers? The foundational play of "We the People" being the Master, and government being the servant, is now center stage. The play is progressing with deadly consequences. It is urgent that both sides start talking about what the final lines and scenes are to be. Only then, can we hope for an urgent redraft of a final scene we don’t wish to view. We must pray for divine guidance, honesty in government, and a return to the foundational principles upon which our Republic was founded. God save America. God save Freedom. Yours in Liberty, SaveOurGuns.com |