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Protest letter re Smith & Wesson Settlement - from a patriot (sample)
The following is a copy of the letter a reader of SaveOurguns.com news
Alerts sent to Smith and Wesson with copies to his representative and Senators...
I read with disbelief the agreement Smith and Wesson has entered into with
the US Government, Housing and Urban Development, and local cities, etc.
take on it all is this: Smith & Wesson's' Agreement with Government is MY
tax monies used to defeat MY Constitutional Rights which some members of
Congress and the despicable current President have not been able to take
away in the chambers (not from lack of trying, mind you) but will soon be
taken away by litigation. I believe this is a case in point of Government
blackmail in action using the death hammer of litigation costs to bypass the
Constitution. The court house door has a lock on it. The key is money.
What is scary is that this is a harbinger of things to come.
I do understand you are a business, I do understand what the Government has
done to you and your fellow manufacturers. I believe it is grossly unfair.
I know you owe your shareholders, employees, and yourselves a chance to keep
your business operating. I do not know what your alternatives were.
admit I do not know all the answers, but do not believe this was the right
thing to do to the citizens of the United States who still believe in the
Constitution. No, I am not a "gun nut" not even by the liberal
I am very, very concerned by this move and if it were my decision would
fight it to the end. An easy thing for me to say since I am not being sued
with an endless supply of taxpayer dollars, I guess. Yet another reason to
pay less (or no) taxes. The Government has so much money they are using it
to sue your company to take OUR rights away. By conceding to the Governments
demands I believe you have signed your company into extinction. Every year
the gun grabbers want one more "meaningless" concession. In five
years they
will want "non-lethal" bullets. In ten, guns to identify
"criminals" before
they fire. It WILL NOT end!
What is going to happen when I reach for my firearm in the middle of the
night in 2003 to protect myself from the men who just invaded my home and my
gun does not "recognize" me or I am unable to fire it because I don't
the time to manipulate the Government mandated "child-proof" or
safety lock and I am killed or worse yet, my family is killed due to my
inability to protect them? Is that a Smith and Wesson liability? The
Government certainly won't shoulder the responsibility.
The absurdity of it all amazes me. Safer guns!
Thank you,
[name deleted for privacy]