The Individual Right to Keep and Bear
Arms is about Freedom, Self Defense, Safeguarding the Bill of Rights, and
Protecting against Government Tyranny and Oppression. The 2nd
Amendment isn't about sport, games, or hunting -- it's about controlling the
deadly force of governments & tyranny.
The treason by our own government
officials bring into sharp focus the relevancy and
critical need for the 2nd Amendment. Yet, the media and politicians not
only seeks to ignore this reality, they use images, lies and symbols in their
never ending attack on that very provision of the Bill of Rights which actually
protects and guarantees that the entire Bill of Rights will remain for future
What can you do? First, learn about the
"Real" purpose of the 2nd Amendment. Then read news events which
show the present day tyranny and oppression of governments around the world. Use
this information to instruct fellow citizens about the true meaning of the
2nd Amendment, and to show its continued application today.
Next, help fight back against those
false images which portray guns as "evil". Such images are
posted everywhere and routinely linked to the word "crime".
In government
buildings, court houses, airports, and business buildings, guns are shown with a Red Line through
them, or other negative environments. Those mental images are warfare against your individual gun
rights, your safety, and freedoms. Each such image is embedding in the
mind of children (the voters of tomorrow), false information. Such jeopardizes
not only their Freedom, but yours, and that of generations to come.
Start NOW and use positive and thought provoking mental images to not only
defend your gun rights as "YOUR RIGHT", but to take the offensive -- it is "YOUR DUTY"!
As people of action and purpose, we must take the offensive. The message:
the Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms is YOUR RIGHT - YOUR DUTY.
Save Our Guns has THE GUN RIGHTS
RESOURCES that capture positive images of firearms and your Rights. You can
DISPLAY AND DISTRIBUTE THESE ITEMS to educate other people about THE RIGHT which protects all other Rights against
tyranny and oppression. Also, check out our FREE
Join your fellow Americans in passing the ammunition of truth in
the fight to Save Our Guns.
Yours in Liberty,
Save Our Guns
A Special Thanks to my son who helped
originally set up this site. His technical expertise made this site possible.
Revisions are in process.